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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Death of Osama: a Blow to al Qaeda?

The Death of Osama: a Blow to al Qaeda?
600 words, no less
Background:After almost ten years of searching for revenge, the United States finally got it. On Sunday night, President Obama announced to the nation that Osama bin Laden, the man who planned the horrid slaughter on September 11, 2001, had been shot by the U.S special forces. His body now lies at the bottom of the ocean.
The team that brought Osama down, containing a total of six CIA officers and Navy SEALS, arrived at Osama’s mansion hideout in Pakistani late on Friday night. There was a violent firefight where three other men with Osama were killed along with one of Osama’s sons. A woman who was used as a shield was also killed. Two other women were injured. After shooting Osama in the head, they claimed his body and were out in less then forty minutes of arriving.
The death of Osama bin Laden is a major milestone for America and for the constant struggle to bring down al Qaeda. Now that their leader is dead, there is no knowing if it will bring al Qaeda down or just create an uprising against the U.S. Paul Cruickshank, an analyst on terrorism, has declared that “Osama bin Laden played a crucial unifying role in al Qaeda” and that
‘Without him, al Qaeda could very likely unravel.”
In President Obama’s stunning speech he reminded the nation that although the death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant achievement in the nation’s effort to bring down Al Qaeda, we are still not out of the woods. Mr. Obama says that we must remain vigilant. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will try to strike again.
After the President’s speech, military bases around the world stood on high alert due to possible retaliation. A worldwide travel warning was placed by the State Department. They urged people to limit travel and avoid mass gatherings. Officials fear that the killing of Osama will deepen tensions with Pakistan.
My Opinion:After everything that people of the United States have gone through because of Osama bin Laden, I’m grateful that he is now out of the picture for good. On that dreadful day in September he killed about 3,000 innocent people. He was the face of terrorism, there’s no doubt about that.
However, I don’t know if how far people are going due to his death are appropriate. There seems to be a fine line between celebrating the victory of defeating an enemy, one who took our family members away, compared to celebrating the death of a person’s life. No matter how bad he spent his life, it’s inhumane.
There is a lot of speculation that there will be retaliation from remaining members of Al Qaeda. The news has said it, teachers have said it, even the president admits that the possibility of attacks is likely. These are very scary facts. We’ve seen what al Qaeda is capable of. Whether or not the fact that Osama bin Laden will not be there to lead al Qaeda in attacks is irrelevant.
On the up side, there seems to be no one worthy to take Osama’s place. Osama was the disgusting glue that held the whole ridiculous group together. They need a leader who was just as sick and “charismatic” as Osama was. Hopefully, that will be very hard to find.
As for the time being I think we should be very careful. We don’t know if Osama left a plan for if this kind of thing ever happened. For all we know a plan could be in motion at this very minute.
But as I said, lets celebrate the fact that the murderer of our family members and fellow Americans has been dealt justice. Ding, Dong, the wicked witch is dead!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Nursery Rhyme Story

Nursery Rhyme Story
By: Shelby Ball

Three Blind Mice,
See how they run?
They all ran after the Farmer’s wife
Who cut off their tale with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As Three Blind Mice?

            There were once three mice that lived in a farmer’s house on the countryside. When the Farmer built the house they quickly took up a hole in the wall and called it home.  During the years they lived there they never once stole any of the farmer’s food. The mice always stayed out of the way of the farmer and his wife, never giving them any trouble.
             Years later came a cold and vicious winter. The mice didn’t dare to venture out into the freezing, bitter cold. Eventually their food supply started to dwindle until there was nothing left at all. Days passed and the mice grew desperate with hunger. Finally they decided that they had to steal the farmer’s food or face death.
              So the next night when the farmer and his wife were fast asleep, the mice crept out of their home and snuck into the pantry. There the farmer’s wife stashed their delicious homemade bread. Mad with hunger, the three mice devoured all of the bread down to the very last crumb.
              The next morning when the farmer’s wife went to fetch the bread for breakfast she found nothing but the plastic wrapping that had contained the bread. Thinking her husband had finished the bread the day before she made a new loaf and placed it in the pantry.
             As like the night before, when the farmer and his wife were fast asleep, the mice crept into the pantry and ate all the bread. However, this time they made the mistake of leaving crumbs that led to their hole in the wall.
             When the farmer’s wife awoke in the morning, she again found no bread in the pantry. She did however find breadcrumbs and tiny mice footprints leading to a mouse hole. Disgusted, she made another loaf and replaced it in the pantry. She was determined to keep this loaf untouched.
             Later that night when the farmer went to bed the farmer’s wife descended down the stairs with a can of pepper spray. She stood by the mouse hole and waited. When the three mice emerged from their home, the farmer’s wife sprayed them in the face with the pepper spray. The mice squealed with pain. The pepper spray burned their tiny little eyes until finally they could no longer see. The three blind mice ran in circles frantic with the loss of sight.
            It was then that the mice smelled the strong and potent perfume of the farmer's wife. They then realized what had happened. After years of staying out of their way and never giving the farmer any trouble, his wife had caused them too be blind. Enraged, they all ran after the farmer's wife.
           The farmer's wife shrieked with fright. She stumbled back and reached for something, anything, to protect herself with. She swung the object down hard at the mice. With a nauseating crunch, she cut off their tails with a carving knife. The tailess and blind mice ran dumbly all the way out the door with ear splitting squels. 
          The next morning at breakfast, the farmer asked his wife what she had been doing the night before. She just looked at him and said "Did you ever see such a sight in your life, such as three blind mice?"